Cookbook Kitchen

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This past Wednesday, we had our lunch at Cookbook Kitchen. As two of us were tied up in an extended meeting right before lunch break, we left the office a bit late (T plus 6 minutes). Fortunately, the place was not crowded when we got there; this being attributed (probably --i'm just assuming here) to it's hidden location within the folds of San Juan. Unfortunately, we were so famished, none of us remembered to take pictures. Instead of grabbing pics off the internet, (here's a link to their not-so-updated site, by the way) readers are herewith encouraged to use their imaginations, and/or go there and try the food for first hand experience.

So there we were in a nice homey place.. we ordered Parmesan Crusted White Fish, White Fish with Lemon Parsley Sauce, Holiday Roast Pork, and the Lamb Shoulder. Everything was gooooood. We couldn't get enough of the Parmesan fish, the lemon parsley gave the right amount of kick to balance the flavors, and while the roast pork melted on our mouths, the lamb had just the right toughness to even it out.

Fair warning though, side effects of this scrumptious meal may include half a dozen corny jokes on the way back to work, and may manifest a few more times for the next day or two (say, on a T.O.S.H. Friday lunch, before basketball at Tom's).